
Thursday 10 May 2012

Murid Lubuk Rezeki

Aku bakal guru. Yes, another 4 years to go. Insya-Allah. Andai x fail mana2 subjek, umur masih pajang, maka aku akan grad dgn Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan Bahasa Inggeris (Bachelor of Education TESL). Tadi actually there was a talk about teaching career path. It moved me to write this and it has changed the way of I think. Maybe.

Right now, I receive allowance every month. Yes, I was paid to study. My parents did not touch their pockets since the government already sponsored me. This talk just now. Made me think. Am I eligible to use the RM430 I received every month. Adakah hasil kerja aku stiap hari membuatkan aku layak guna setiap sen daripada wang yang diterima. Cukupkah masa aku luangkan untuk study, cukupkah aku luangkan masa untuk membuat self research and all those stuff. 

And soon, bila aku dah graduate, Ill be receiving more money. Gaji minimum for a newly grad teacher DG41 is RM1918. Belum masuk allowance lagi. Jadi, untuk seorang guru untuk rasa layak menggunakan duit gaji yang mereka dapat itu, haruslah mereka pastikan every one in the class will excel in their studies. PELAJAR ADALAH LUBUK REZEKI SEORANG GURU. Kalau setakat masuk kelas, nak mengajar dan hanya duduk di meja guru kat depan kelas tu, baik tak payah. Sama ja macam makan duit haram. Gaji buta!

Mungkin aku ni, masih seorang guru pelatih. Belum lagi join the teaching field. Im on my way k! My future students, wait for your bakal guru cemerlang. EHEHE. Biarlah aku nak perasan sekarang. So it will be a target for me. I wan every each of my students, terer speaking nanti. So, when they grow up, pergi sekolah menengah, takdela merangkak nak spm. 

A reminder to myself and all the teachers out there.
Memang awak terima gaji awak every month. Tapi adakah gaji tu layak anda guna. Layak ke kalau masih ada student yang gagal? All the best with your students. 

 "Guru Inovatif Melonjakkan Transformasi Pendidikan Negara"

-Bakal Sir Zafrieyl

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